Burlington is a suburban community at the western edge of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Burlington is situated between Lake Ontario and the Niagara Escarpment.
Burlington adopted their new Official Plan in 2018. Within Chapter 6 – Infrastructure, Transportation, and Utilities, developing a Complete Streets strategy for the city is one of the main objectives of this chapter (p.6-11). Additionally, mandates for Complete Streets development and implementation are listed under the sections of Urban Streets and Rural Roads, Active Transportation, Public Right-of-Way Allowances, Mobility Hub Connectors, Uptown Urban Centre, and Mobility Hubs (p.6-14; p..6-19; p.6-24; p.6-26; p.8-36; p.8-47).
The City of Burlington is currently working on a Integrated Mobility Plan. While the full plan has not been released, Complete Streets feature prominently in preliminary materials. The plan aims to greatly increase the number of trips by walking, cycling and transit, and to treat all streets as Complete Streets, including rural roads. Furthermore, Complete Streets are mentioned within one of the eight pillars of integrated mobility which the plan will be built around; under the pillar of Connected Mobility is a promise to develop and create complete streets.