Clarington is a lower-tier municipality in the Durham region of Southern Ontario. It is in the eastern end of the Greater Toronto Area.
Through a number of amendments made in 2016 to its Official Plan, Clarington, a lower-tier municipality in the Region of Durham, adopted a Complete Streets approach. With the updates, Clarington “recognizes the importance of integrating Complete Streets principles into the planning and design of urban streets, particularly new and reconstructed roads, particularly within Priority Intensification Areas and new neighbourhoods” (p. 130). The Plan includes six strategies for designing and implementing Complete Streets in Clarington:
- Context-based approach shall be used to consider character of the planned land uses with the appropriate street design;
- Street design elements shall improve the quality of service for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users in addition to the level of service for vehicles;
- Safe and convenient access to transit stops shall be provided;
- Local streets shall provide multiple points of access and limited block lengths;
- Intersections shall be designed not only to meet the desired level of service for vehicles but the desired level of service for pedestrians and cyclists, implementing measures such as minimizing crossing distances; and
- Streets will be designed with integrated accessibility features” (p. 135).
- Complete Streets principles must also be considered in any capital projects undertaken by the municipality (p. 144).