Cornwall is Ontario’s easternmost city, located along the St. Lawrence river nearby the borders with the province of Québec and the USA.
Cornwall’s 2018 Official Plan only briefly mentions Complete Streets as part of their Transportation Goals. The second major goal of the Official Plan’s transportation section is to “adopt a “complete streets policy” by designing streets to accommodate all users, balancing the needs of automobiles, pedestrians, cyclists, transit and ensuring accessibility for people of all ages and abilities.” (p.12-173).
While Cornwall’s 2010 Cycling and Pedestrian Master Plan only briefly refers to the adoption Complete Streets approaches (p. 23), it does focus on creating an active transportation network that is accessible to not only people of all ages and abilities, but to all socioeconomic groups. The Plan explains that “Investment in cycling facilities and neighbourhood walkability, along with transit improvements, offers a tremendous opportunity to improve access to employment and services for everyone, particularly the region’s most vulnerable” (p. 6). The document also includes a detailed implementation plan with numerous examples of proposed facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.