The Regional Municipality of Halton, or Halton Region, is a regional municipality in Ontario, Canada, located in the Golden Horseshoe of Southern Ontario. It comprises the city of Burlington and the towns of Oakville, Milton, and Halton Hills.
Halton Region
Halton Region’s Healthy Communities Guidelines is intended to support the policies outlined in the region’s Official Plan. The purpose of The Healthy Community Guidelines is “to identify the attributes of healthy communities so that the Region and local municipalities can work together through the planning process to achieve healthy communities.” (p.1).
Complete Streets are mentioned as part of the section on the Built Environment. Complete Streets are noted as an element of the built environment that can contribute to healthy communities through:
- compact mixed use development, walkable and connected communities;
- a range of densities and housing opportunities, choices and accessibility for all income levels and needs;
- redevelopment/regeneration areas;
- welcoming pedestrian-scaled environments;
- a range of densities that will support public transit and amenities; and,
- community infrastructure (p.4).
Appendix F3 of Halton Region’s Transportation Master Plan (2011) provides a list of suggested community and site design guidelines to achieve the most desirable TDM results. One of the recommended community design policies that falls within the responsibility of local municipalities is “Complete Streets”: “Design streets where equal consideration is given to the automobile, public transit, cycling, and walking”