Medicine Hat is the sixth-largest city in Alberta.
Medicine Hat
The City of Medicine Hat’s 2012 Municipal Development Plan includes a Complete Streets section that directs the City to “plan, construct, operate and maintain the roadway system in a manner that promotes safety for the user” (p. 41). It proposes that in Medicine Hat, “roads should be planned and designed as Complete Streets, accommodating all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, public transit and private vehicles”, with priority placed on cycling and walking, followed by transit then single-occupancy vehicles (p. 41).
The City of Medicine Hat is undertaking a comprehensive update to its guiding vision, the Municipal Development Plan. This initiative, myMH, will result in a new 30-year citywide plan to be adopted in 2019, putting in place visionary policies to help make Medicine Hat stronger, greener, more vibrant and more connected.
In 2017, the Riverside Neighbourhood Plan, officially an Area Redevelopment Plan, was created to help guide future development for this community.
Page 7 of this document shows visual design proposals for “complete streets” principles to be implemented, as displayed below.