Ontario is Canada’s most populous province, with many large urban centres, as well as suburban and rural communities.
After two years of consultations, the Province of Ontario released major update to Places to Grow – The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe in May 2017. As part of the update, the province has adopted a Complete Streets policy, mandating that streets be designed for all users. This makes Ontario the first province in Canada to adopt a Complete Streets policy. The update strengthens a commitment to building transit-oriented, complete communities with well-designed, convenient and continuous active transportation networks. The updated Plan requires that “In the design, refurbishment or reconstruction of the existing and planned street network, a Complete Streets approach will be adopted that ensures the needs and safety of all road users are considered and appropriately accommodated” ( In addition to mandating Complete Streets, the Growth Plan requires the integration of active transportation and public transit by requiring that transit station areas to include “infrastructure to support active transportation, including sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and secure bicycle parking” ( Read Complete Streets for Canada’s news item about the update. Read the The Centre for Active Transportation’s response to the Places to Grow consultation.