Riverview is a small city in New Brunswick, located across the Petitcodiac River from Moncton and Dieppe.
The Town of Riverview Municipal Development Plan 2013, has highlighted implementation polices for the application of Complete Streets, Policy 13.1.11-d found on pg. 90 of the Plan. This policy is limited in scope, only allowing the consideration of Complete Streets within the review of subdivisions.
Moncton, Dieppe, and Riverview have come together to develop Destination 2040, a Regional Sustainable Transportation Master Plan (2015). The plan recommends developing Complete Streets as an action to take towards achieving the region’s sustainable transportation goals. A number of corridors identified for Complete Street treatments are examined and prioritized, and a Complete Streets Design Elements Toolbox is provided. The technical report runs over 900 pages long and includes a Complete Streets Design Elements Toolbox.