Sarnia is a mid-sized city in southwestern Ontario, located on the shores of Lake Huron. It is nearby the Canada-USA border.
Adopted in 2014, Sarnia’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) includes a section on Complete Streets (p. 47-50) that encourages the City adopt a dedicated Complete Streets policy. The TMP recommends Complete Streets be integral to all municipal streets in Sarnia. The TMP proposes a strategy for tracking the performance of Complete Streets approaches in Sarnia:
- “Audits of streets and alternatives for pedestrians and cyclists, i.e. trails;
- Annual reviews of the development and implementation of the sidewalk, trails and bikeway network;
- Establishment of performance standards that reflect the safety, convenience and needs of all users; and
- Data collection procedures and analysis that benchmark and track how well streets are serving all users (p. 49-50).”
Sarnia’s 2013 Official Plan also features a Complete Streets section (p. 128-129) that requires the development of a road network that “considers all users during the design, maintenance, and operations of a right-of-way, and recognizes all ages and ability levels of users” (p. 128).
However, Sarnia does not presently possess a standalone Complete Streets policy.