Strathcona County is a specialized municipality near Edmonton, designated to accommodate the specific needs of an area that includes both urban and rural territory.
Strathcona County
The Strathcona County Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was consolidated in January 2020. Section 4 of the MDP looks at Urban Service Areas such as Sherwood Park and Bremner.
Sub-section 4.3.1 “Sherwood Park Transportation” has listed 25 policies looking at street networks, parking, active transportation, and public transport.
Policy number 7 under street networks aims to, “Promote accessible multi-modal transportation for residents by encouraging: street design to incorporate complete streets philosophy into the street network of the Compact Development Policy Area and the Urban Centre Policy Area where dictated by the land use concept.” (p. 38).
Sub-section 4.4.2 “Bremner Transportation” states policy that “streets be designed as complete streets within a land use context approach.” And transportation impact assessments include “complete street and context approach to roadway design” (p. 88).
The Strathcona County Integrated Transportation Master Plan includes section 9.3.6 which outlines methods for improving street design approaches. This section also includes creating Complete Streets as an action item. It includes the definition and direction around future roadway designs and upgrades.
“Complete Streets provide space for all users, including cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and mobility levels, transit users, and motorists. Developing and adopting a Complete Streets policy will ensure the County transportation planners and engineers consider the needs of all roadway users, not just motorists, when designing and upgrading roadways. A Complete Streets policy gives the same priority and importance to active transportation and public transit as to the automobile mode, and begins to change thinking about the purpose of roadways.” (p. 60)
The full plan is available through Strathcona County.