Vaughan, Ontario is a suburban city in the Regional Municipality of York, located north of Toronto. According to Wikipedia, “Vaughan was the fastest-growing municipality in Canada between 1996 and 2006, achieving a population growth rate of 80.2% according to Statistics Canada” (Wikipedia, 2019).
The City of Vaughan, Ontario presently does not include Complete Streets policies in its Official Plan or its Transportation Master Plan, but it does include Complete Streets approaches within its streetscape manual. Vaughan’s 2014 City-Wide Streetscape Implementation Manual and Financial Strategy places great emphasis on designing and implementing Complete Streets “to support active transportation, the environment, commerce, culture, and every day life for people of all ages and abilities” (p. 9). The manual highlights that developing a network of Complete Streets in Vaughan supports most of the goals of the city’s Official Plan, namely building “a diverse economy and… a vibrant and thriving downtown” (p. 21). The Manual includes a wide variety of examples and proposed streetscapes. However, it is not a municipality-wide document, and presently applies only to intensification areas and heritage districts.